The Essential Guide to ISO 56001: A New Standard for Innovation Management


ISO 56001

Innovation has always been at the core of business growth and competitiveness. With the introduction of ISO 56001, organizations now have a robust framework to ensure their innovation processes are efficient and effective. ISO 56001, a requirements standard, sets the benchmarks for what organizations must do to foster innovation. Let’s dive deep into what ISO 56001 entails and how it works alongside ISO 56002 and ISO 56004.

What is ISO 56001?

ISO 56001 is part of the ISO 56000 family, which provides comprehensive guidelines for managing innovation. Specifically, ISO 56001 outlines the requirements for an Innovation Management System (IMS). Unlike some standards that offer suggestions or recommendations, ISO 56001 is a “shall” standard, meaning organizations must adhere to its stipulations to be compliant.

Key Elements of ISO 56001

ISO 56001 emphasizes several critical areas to ensure that an organization’s IMS is robust and effective:

  • Leadership Commitment: Top management must demonstrate leadership and commitment to the IMS.
  • Resource Allocation: Adequate resources, including finances, personnel, and infrastructure, must be allocated to support innovation.
  • Continuous Improvement: The organization must continually improve its innovation processes and outcomes.
  • Risk Management: Identifying and managing risks and opportunities is essential to sustaining innovation.

These elements are designed to create a structured and sustainable approach to innovation, ensuring that organizations can maintain their competitive edge in the long term.

Understanding ISO 56002: The Guiding Standard

While ISO 56001 sets the requirements, ISO 56002 provides the guidelines on how to meet these requirements. It is a guiding standard that details the practical steps organizations can take to implement an effective IMS.

Key Components of ISO 56002

  • Context of the Organization: Understand the external and internal issues that affect the organization’s ability to achieve its innovation goals.
  • Leadership: Ensure leadership commitment to the IMS and establish a clear innovation policy.
  • Planning: Set measurable and achievable innovation objectives and plan for risks and opportunities.
  • Support: Allocate necessary resources and ensure the competence of personnel.
  • Operation: Establish processes for managing innovation activities.
  • Performance Evaluation: Monitor and evaluate the performance of the IMS.
  • Improvement: Continuously improve the IMS based on performance evaluations.

ISO 56001 and ISO 56002: A Complementary Approach

ISO 56001 sets the mandatory requirements, while ISO 56002 offers the “how-to” guidance. Together, they ensure that organizations not only comply with the necessary standards but also effectively implement and manage their innovation processes. ISO 56001 and ISO 56002 work hand-in-hand to provide a comprehensive framework for innovation management.

Innovation360’s Readiness Tool for ISO 56002

Innovation360 has developed a Readiness Tool specifically for ISO 56002. This tool helps organizations assess their current innovation capabilities and identify areas for improvement. By using this tool, companies can benchmark their innovation pillars and set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to track progress.

Features of the Readiness Tool

  • Comprehensive Assessment: Evaluate all aspects of the organization’s innovation capabilities.
  • Benchmarking: Compare your innovation performance against industry standards.
  • KPI Setting: Establish clear metrics to monitor and improve innovation efforts.
  • Step-by-Step Guidance: Follow a structured approach to implement ISO 56002 as a way of working.

ISO 56002 Readiness Score

Detailed Mapping of ISO 56002 Principles

Innovation360 has mapped ISO 56002 principles to their comprehensive framework for innovation:

  • Management Buy-In: Measures the percentage of innovators among management. Higher involvement of management in innovation leads to better implementation.
  • Organizational Buy-In: Assesses the percentage of innovators among employees, emphasizing the importance of widespread organizational support.
  • Strategy for Innovation: Evaluates the number and type of innovation strategies in place.
  • Clear Vision and Objectives for Innovation: Determines if the organization has a clear vision for innovation.
  • Leadership for Innovation: Examines the diversity of leadership styles supporting innovation.
  • Innovation Management System and Process Defined: Looks at how well-defined and implemented the IMS processes are.
  • Supportive Culture for Innovation: Evaluates the organization’s culture to see if it supports innovation.
  • Innovation Metrics in Place: Assesses the effectiveness of innovation measurement systems.
  • Intellectual Property Management: Reviews how the organization manages intellectual property.
  • Evaluation and Validation: Looks at the organization’s evaluation and validation processes.
  • External Collaboration: Assesses the organization’s ability to collaborate externally.
  • Capabilities for Internal Development and Learning: Measures the organization’s internal development and learning capabilities.
  • Identifying and Developing Solutions: Reviews the processes for developing innovative solutions.
  • Value Realization: Looks at how the organization realizes value from innovation.
  • Managing Uncertainty: Assesses how the organization manages uncertainty in innovation projects.
  • Adaptability: Measures the organization’s flexibility and adaptability.

iso56001 and the ISO56002 Readiness Score

The Role of ISO 56004: Assessing Innovation Management

ISO 56004 complements ISO 56001 and ISO 56002 by providing guidelines for assessing the performance of an IMS. It helps organizations understand the effectiveness of their innovation processes and identify areas for improvement.

Key Areas of ISO 56004

  • Evaluation of the IMS: Assess the design, implementation, and effectiveness of the IMS.
  • Performance Metrics: Establish metrics to measure innovation outcomes.
  • Continuous Improvement: Use assessment results to drive continuous improvement.

ISO56004 - InnoSurveyISO 56003: Tools and Methods for Innovation Partnerships

ISO 56003 provides guidance on tools and methods for innovation partnerships. This standard helps organizations to engage effectively in innovation activities through collaboration. It provides frameworks for partnering, sharing resources, and co-creating value, which are essential components in modern innovation ecosystems.

Key Components of ISO 56003

  • Establishing Partnerships: Guidelines on how to identify and establish innovation partnerships.
  • Collaboration Frameworks: Structures for collaborative innovation processes.
  • Resource Sharing: Methods for sharing resources and capabilities among partners.
  • Value Co-Creation: Strategies for co-creating value with partners through joint innovation efforts.

ISO 56003 ensures that organizations can effectively collaborate with external partners to enhance their innovation capacity and outcomes. This standard is crucial for businesses looking to leverage external expertise and resources.

Preparing for ISO 56001 Internal Audits

Internal audits are a critical component of maintaining compliance with ISO 56001. They help organizations identify gaps, ensure adherence to the standard, and drive continuous improvement.

Steps to Prepare for an ISO 56001 Internal Audit

  1. Understand the Audit Requirements: Familiarize yourself with the audit criteria based on ISO 56001. Understand the key areas and specific requirements that will be assessed.
  2. Conduct a Self-Assessment: Perform a self-assessment to identify any potential gaps or areas of non-compliance. This step helps in addressing issues before the formal audit.
  3. Gather Documentation: Ensure all relevant documents, such as policies, procedures, and records, are up-to-date and easily accessible. Documentation is crucial for demonstrating compliance.
  4. Train Personnel: Ensure that employees understand the audit process and their roles within the IMS. Conduct training sessions to prepare staff for potential audit questions.
  5. Review Previous Audits: Analyze findings from past audits to identify recurring issues and ensure they have been addressed. Continuous improvement is a key focus of ISO 56001.
  6. Develop an Audit Plan: Create a detailed audit plan outlining the scope, objectives, and schedule. Include a checklist of areas to be reviewed.
  7. Engage Leadership: Ensure top management is involved and supportive of the audit process. Leadership commitment is critical for successful audits and compliance.
  8. Conduct Pre-Audit Meetings: Hold meetings with key personnel to discuss the audit plan, address concerns, and ensure everyone is aligned.

Executing the Internal Audit

  • Follow the Audit Plan: Adhere to the planned schedule and checklist. Conduct interviews, review documents, and observe processes.
  • Document Findings: Record all findings, both positive and negative. Use evidence-based documentation to support your findings.
  • Provide Feedback: Offer immediate feedback to staff involved in the audit. Highlight areas of strength and discuss opportunities for improvement.
  • Report Results: Prepare a comprehensive audit report summarizing findings, including areas of compliance and non-compliance. Provide recommendations for improvement.

Post-Audit Activities

  • Implement Corrective Actions: Address any non-conformities identified during the audit. Develop and implement corrective action plans.
  • Monitor Progress: Regularly monitor the implementation of corrective actions to ensure they are effective.
  • Continuous Improvement: Use audit findings to drive continuous improvement within the IMS. Regular audits help in maintaining compliance and enhancing the overall effectiveness of the IMS.

Innovation360’s InnoSurvey: A Comprehensive Solution

Innovation360’s InnoSurvey provides a comprehensive solution for innovation assessment, aligning with the principles of ISO 56001 and ISO 56002. InnoSurvey allows organizations to:

  • Assess Innovation Capabilities: Evaluate all aspects of innovation management, from strategy to execution.
  • Benchmark Performance: Compare your innovation capabilities against a global database.
  • Set KPIs: Establish clear metrics to monitor innovation performance.
  • Drive Continuous Improvement: Use assessment results to inform strategic decisions and drive continuous improvement.

Features of InnoSurvey

  • Comprehensive Assessments: Covers all pillars of innovation management.
  • Global Benchmarking: Access a vast database of innovation metrics for benchmarking.
  • Customizable KPIs: Set and track KPIs tailored to your organization’s needs.
  • Actionable Insights: Gain insights to inform strategic innovation decisions.

Introducing “Innovation by Design”

The upcoming book “Innovation by Design” by Gerry Purcell and Magnus Penker will delve into ISO 56003 and the Innovation Management System. This book will provide in-depth insights into how organizations can leverage these standards to drive innovation. It will cover practical strategies and case studies, offering a roadmap for implementing an effective IMS.

As clearly shown in this book, innovation is a process, and the winners are those with the best processes. Someone that has really impressed me is Elon Musk. Particularly with his rocket company SpaceX. The idea with a rocket is not new, but SpaceX has taken it to unprecedented levels, with one innovation after the other in a seemingly never-ending process. The goal is that humans shall be able to colonize Mars in the foreseeable future. Penker and Purcell mentions that one day there will be a Fifth Industrial Revolution, but no one know how it will look like. I´ll do a bold speculation and say that it will happen on Mars.

Read this book, learn how to improve your innovation process, and enjoy the ever-brighter future, here on Earth – and in space.

Austronaut Christer Fuglesang, May 31st 2024

Transformation360: A Comprehensive Platform

Transformation360 is the first platform on the market that completely covers every aspect needed to implement ISO 56000 in any organization, from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies. This platform offers tools and resources to support the entire innovation management process.

Features of Transformation360

  • End-to-End Solution: Covers all stages of the innovation management process.
  • Scalability: Suitable for organizations of all sizes.
  • Integrated Tools: Provides a suite of tools to support ISO 56001, ISO 56002, and ISO 56004 implementation.
  • Continuous Support: Offers ongoing support and resources to ensure successful implementation.

Conclusion: Embracing ISO 56001 for Sustainable Innovation

ISO 56001 represents a significant step forward in standardizing innovation management. By adopting ISO 56001, organizations can ensure their innovation processes are efficient, effective, and aligned with global best practices. Together with ISO 56002 and ISO 56004, ISO 56001 provides a comprehensive framework for managing and assessing innovation, driving continuous improvement, and enhancing competitiveness.

Innovation360’s tools, including the Readiness Tool for ISO 56002 and InnoSurvey, offer valuable resources to support organizations on their journey towards ISO 56001 compliance. By leveraging these tools, companies can benchmark their innovation capabilities, set KPIs, and continuously improve their IMS.

In a rapidly changing business landscape, the ability to innovate effectively is more critical than ever. ISO 56001 provides the framework, and with the right tools and commitment, organizations can thrive in this new era of innovation. “Innovation by Design” and Transformation360 further enhance this journey, providing comprehensive guidance and solutions for implementing ISO 56000 standards. By embracing these resources, organizations can position themselves for sustainable growth and success in the competitive global market.