January 26, 2021

Play Bold: Balancing the forces with the EmbraerX CEO Daniel Moczydlower

Welcome to Play Bold episode 2. We’ll be listening to the Star Wars fan and CEO of EmbraerX Daniel Moczydlower. He is resharpening the urban mobility industry with flying autonomous vehicles...
January 17, 2021

Play Bold: Work hard and play hard with Johan Roos, Chief Academic Officer at HULT

In this first episode of Play Bold, we hear Johan Roos sharing insights and stories on how to transform an industry. Johan Roos is Professor and Chief Academic Officer of HULT as well as the inventor of LEGO Serious Play
December 17, 2020

Play Bold: Holiday Special

It has been 17 fantastic interviews with NASA executives, space designers, priests, Islamic leadership experts, super entrepreneurs, professors from the world-leading universities, Hollywood folks, authors, and experts on innovation and transformations, as well as corporate executives.
December 10, 2020

Play Bold: Create your resume of failure

If you want to learn how to get executives to open up and engineers to be playful, and how to really learn from mistakes, going beyond what you thought was possible, this is the episode for you.
December 3, 2020

Play Bold: Inside the brain of an entrepreneur

This 30-minute podcast might change your life. Get ready for a deep dive into entrepreneurship, the mind of an entrepreneur, and how entrepreneurship is going to save the world.
November 26, 2020

Play Bold: Islamic leadership in getting together

Di Siti, a leading expert in Islamic leadership with wisdom spanning multiple sectors and a message of unity, togetherness, and awareness of how our actions affect the population of the entire planet, answers questions in Play Bold.
November 19, 2020

Play Bold: Swing hard and grow with new roles

Tonight, we have Jens Saltin, who made an unbelievable career staring in the early days at Klarna, today Europe’s higher valued FinTech Company, ending up in the global team, and now decided to start up his entrepreneurial career.
November 12, 2020

Play Bold: Art has been hijacked by critics

Tonight we have the bestselling writer, Oscar-nominated producer, the creative veteran, and the businessman Michael Hjorth as a guest.
October 11, 2020

Epilogue: The Post–COVID-19 World

The year is 2050, and we are blooming in a new Renaissance. The pandemic back in 2020 took its toll—with lockdowns not only delivering a devastating economic impact but also a huge social impact that none could foresee. The virus mutated several times, and it is still around in various guises. But we have learned to live with it, and in its wake: social adoption and a deeper understanding of the interaction between the different systems that form the global ecosystem.
October 5, 2020

No Scenario Planning Kills Organizations

The Swedish petroleum company, Preem, among others, is in trouble after canceling a new initiative that was never meant to be. 
July 13, 2020

Innovation Feedback Loops

One of the hardest parts of working with any kind of innovation or development is reimagining an old problem or discovering a new one. Anthropological studies, business model canvases...
May 2, 2020

The Eagle over New York – Tools for decoding the future

Eight weeks ago we saw several eagles from our window here in Manhattan, then later that day I noticed that the squirrel in our park was more aggressive than normal
April 3, 2020

You are invited to “Navigating the New World Order”

We are facing a historically challenging situation. A situation that, in some respects, bears a resemblance to the Spanish flu (1920).
February 20, 2020

How much is innovation costing your organization?

Three actions you can take to improve your innovation ROI. Linking innovation investment to value is easier when you know where to look.  
January 28, 2020


You might ask why on Earth anyone would say, “Don’t listen to your customers!” when customer opinions matter the most.
December 4, 2019

JSC IT-Partner awarded with Top InnovationIQ

JSC has been profitably growing year to year with 20%, serving Swedish clients with innovative IT solutions, which also placed them on the top list
November 16, 2019

Hacking your DNA: Antibodies, Part 6 of 6

When you ask someone what business they are in, they nearly always answer with a list of products and services. Try it out.
November 16, 2019

PayPal, Facebook, Shell Oil and Nokia: Antibodies, Part 5 of 6

Here is the success story of a company that had to go through many revisions before it discovered its own DNA
November 16, 2019

Harley-Davidson does not sell MCs: Antibodies, Part 4 of 6.

Harley-Davidson sells to 43-year-old accountants the ability to dress in leather, ride through small towns and have people be afraid of them.
November 16, 2019

Lessons from the master of war: Antibodies, Part 3 of 6.

Unlike chess, in a real battle, you have no idea what capabilities the enemy has until you do a great deal of competitive intelligence.
November 16, 2019

Welcome to the field, General: Antibodies, part 2 of 6.

Innovation and chess can only be mastered with an adaptive, flexible, individualized strategy that combines deep analytics with creativity.
November 15, 2019

The pain of not knowing: Antibodies, part 1 of 6.

The number one reason why companies fail, cited by 42 percent of the companies that went out of business, was no market need.
November 15, 2019

Corporate antibodies attack and kill innovation

You will never be able to innovate in a way that conflicts with your unique company DNA, your company won’t allow that to live.
October 10, 2019

Is the recipe for innovation lab success valid across the firm?

It turns out many of the findings from studying success with innovation labs are possible to adopt for innovation efforts across your company.
October 4, 2019

ISO56002 Readiness Test Launched

The new ISO 56002 (part of ISO 56000) Guidance on Innovation Management is written with the common High-Level Structure (HLS)